onsdag 11 augusti 2010

Dagen 224

It is almost the middle of the night. I am alone. Anton is sleeping and H is in his garage. He has been nearly all day. Which is both good and bad. I like my alone time but it can get a bit boring since I am finding myself hard to entertain.. Haven't really done anything of importance today. Made a list of things to pack for the weekend. Me and the bitches is going on a road-trip to Göteborg. I am really looking forward to it cause it will be a good break in my boring vacation-time. I feel it will be a crazy weekend but in a very good way.

I feel like a greasy pig today, I look like one to. It is very nice in a freaky way. My hair is like butter, my body smells..well..different.. My nails are in many different lengths which I hate. I have to color my hair, my outgrowth is ridiculous. I need to shave my legs, really bad. I could wax them if I wanted to..hihi.. I did how ever wax my lip. I could grow a moustache if I wanted to :D So now my lips look like two huge pussy lips..and I didn't even get it all.. Well fuck it..who gives a shit..?!

I have been struggling with a feeling today. And now when it is almost night my brain gives up the smart way of thinking and the more emotional shit kicks in. A very smart man told me once that you should never trust your thoughts in the middle of the night. It is just the brain fucking with you.. And it is soo true. Every time I made a bad decision it was made in the middle of the night. Maybe time to learn? :P
This time I will...learn that is.. I will NOT do as my brain wants me to and just leave it at that. Nothing good can come from doing anything anyway.. Confused?? Me to =)

It is the first day of Ramadan today. So Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims out there. I don't know how you do it, I would go crazy without food and drinks ( and no sex haha) during the day so all luck to you.

Now I will go to bed..all greased up and feeling piggy :P

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