lördag 31 juli 2010
Roach update :D (part 2)
Dagen 213
I hate when you go back to sleep and then you sleep for too long. My head felt like a stone lump. It always does when I go back to sleep after waking up. H was a sleep when I got home and was still sleeping when I got up around 12.
Now 6 hours later I have accomplished nothing :D I filled up my dishwasher.. that's about it :P
And I was going to pick up my books this week, but I didn't really had any time to do it. And I have to order my school literature. Haven't even check what books I need. Motivated? Nope.. Not at all. I have to get back to work in September no matter what. And really I am too sick of it. Not just work, everything. School and work. I don't know what I want to do with my life. Can I just run away? Please...
It's been over 4 months since I last heard from ??. And I have to get it in to my thick skull that it is a lost battle. I lost you somewhere along the line and I have to realize it. It is never one's fault that two people argue so I take my part. Sometimes it is best to leave things as they are and maybe I will learn that from this. Maybe not. I am who I am, for good and for bad. But it is still my loss.. and yours.
So.. can I run away now?? I really need to...
fredag 30 juli 2010
Dagen 212
I had to set my alarm to get up..just that sux. On my holiday and all.. I had the first appointment of the day and since I am always early I met my dentist on the way up. He was very cheerful in the early morning.. Maybe a good sign..:P For over an hour he pulled and yanked in my mouth. Getting my tooth out. He even cracked my lips..you know, in the corner. It is still bleeding when I open my mouth too much so I have to keep it soft and closed hahah. ( good thing I am not so talkative..)
I got it out..or really he did.. I felt bruised and all drained out when I got out of there. He wrote me a prescription on heavy penicillin and told me to take some Ipren if I felt any pain.. It is not IF it is WHEN.. And man does it hurt..
I woke up around 4 last night and wanted to jam my head in something hard, over and over again. It felt like he was still yanking my mouth and it pounded like hell. So I had to get up, take some Ipren and pray to get some sleep. When I woke up this morning I looked like a fucking hamster, on one side of my face. And I didn't even get to hamster anything good. I had 2 shakes and some gulasch yesterday. And after I slurped down some soup (cause I mashed up the potatoes and meat) it hurt like hell... So no more food for me for a couple of days. I will have shakes, drinking them threw a straw.. And that is the one good thing about this... I am still loosing some weight. ^^
Later today Anton will go to his dad's. And I will spend some time at Desi's. I have decided to have some wine even though I am on penicillin. I need it in soo many ways haha. ( sounding like a wino hihi) And I have wanted to open that freaking bottle like forever.. But it is not fun to sit here all alone drinking so today it is. Desi need some booze to :D
I really should get some stuff out of the way today but it is soo boring and I feel off. Having no energy I feel like I'm 95. It is raining and Anton is playing so I will spend my day doing nothing.. He wanted some home-made pizza for diner. So that is all I will do today hahah. And have some Ipren.. And Dalacin.. And wine :P (good good combo)
onsdag 28 juli 2010
Picture perfect...

Min nya nattkompis... Eftersom jag för det mesta sover själv så har jag skaffat mig en kompis. Han är underbar! Han är sval och supermjuk och luktar gott...
Jag gjorde Gulasch idag. Den blev helt okej. Anton hjälpte till. Varför man blir sugen på denna vinterrätt mitt i varma sommaren har jag ingen aning om, men jag är väl inte som alla andra..
På en av mina lediga dagar så regnade det samtidigt som solen sken. Jag kom fram till att det spöregnade endast på mitt område. Ingen annanstans i stan. därav denna fina regnbåge.
Ja ja vad säger man.. dom säger man ska bjuda på sig själv så då får jag väl göööra det...
Mina blommor, smultron och tomater dör. Spinn överallt. Och jag har såpat, duschat, allt skit.. men dom kommer igen..o igen...o igen.. Så idag kastade jag ut skitet.
Blommorna blommade fint i ett par dagar iaf.. Och jag fick en hel del smultron innan äckeldjuren kom.. Gula smultron var godare.. ^^
Och sist lite midsommarbilder.. Bättre sent än aldrig..
Carro och Camilla, Jim och Gina.. Gina ville inte visa mer än brösten den dagen..:P
Någon form av gruppbild.. Man är olagligt blek o fet..urk.. Kolla bara in benen liksom.. Dom bleeeka är mina.. Gina hade dock varit i Turkiet precis.. Men ändå..
Camilla och hennes lekprojekt.. Men vi överlevde, t o m jag.. Och det var skoooj.. Lovar jag ska leka med dig igen ^^
Ja H är ju som han är.. Jag tyckte det var mer idioti än skoj.. men ja.. Vissa skrattade ju iaf..:D :D
Sen till sist en bild på mig som jag blev förvånat nöjd med.. Man måste fuska med lite hår över dubbelhakor och sånt..eller hur :P
måndag 26 juli 2010
Dagen 208
So now I did my 6 week summer working..freetime..for a while. Nothing big planed. A road-trip with the bitches to Göteborg in august. Maybe a road-trip with H. Not my thing at all but what don't we do for the asses in our life's.. Yes..today an ass... Tomorrow maybe a dick.. One never can tell. Men of our time sux.. Agree?
Nothing fun has happened this last days.. Worked the weekend.. The queenbitch not attending of course.. I don't get it.. Why work at all if your work-ethics is below existing?? Let some unemployed poor bastard work instead and go mope at home where no-one gets bothered by you.. (all done nagging)
My first day in freedom I spent at home.. dead tired.. Last night I thought about getting to bed early, getting a good night sleep and waking up all rested and happy. But things never goes as planed.. Never..ever.. My cat decided to make a run for it..on the balcony.. And he stayd out on the railing until 3 in the morning.. At one point I wanted to push him down just so I could go down and get him. Luckily.. For him.. He was too far away :D I suppose he got hungry or something.. I was sooo tired..
I had such a good thing planed this weekend.. Anton was going to be at his dad's. So I asked them to have him until Monday night. I would then get the whole day to myself. Getting nothing done but still.. Freedom =) But no no.. I never get my way.. Talha came down Friday asking if Anton could go with him and his family to Bonbonland in Denmark on Sunday. And of course I knew Anton really wanted to. So I had to go get Anton Saturday evening. Which meant that he woke me up today..bright and early, happy as a pigeon in a koko clock.. And me..not so happy, just koko..
I should add some more pictures in here.. it is boring without.. But I have no good ones.. Maybe it will come...maybe.. No promises..:D