I had this great business idea a few days ago. So I started google this idea. Found some great stuff. I told it to Desi. She is sweet..hihi. I told her we needed to go to Amsterdam, for a loong weekend. It is not so expensive. Her response was in form of a question. ^^ Like “Are you inviting me to a romantic weekend in Amsterdam, just the two of us?” Still, I want to go to Amsterdam... Nooow.. So I could get out of laundryday.. (and many other shitty stuff)

Amsterdam's good and not so good side :D
I found some plant-louses on my tiny strawberry plants today. I hate them. They are everywhere. Sooo tiny you barely see them. And they reproduce like shit. Tomorrow they will have built a whole kingdom in my strawberry :( I washed my plant with soap. It says so on internet so it must be the right thing to do. I don´t know.. But at least I get very clean berries..
Since I am still in my lovely “I-don't-give-a-shit” mood I made mashed potatoes on powder today. My god it tastes like shit. The kids ate it, I don't know how, with love. Really it is not even food. Jonathan and Anton picked diner today, mashed potatoes with breaded fish. Talk about E additives :D But even Jonathan ate it so they were happy. And when we went shopping I had noo make up on, what so ever. That is noot me. I always cover up every blemishes I can find, but today I couldn't care less. And I lived, who knew..hihih.. So you CAN go outside without it :D But of course, like always when u do stuff like that, it was a really cute boy in ICA :D