lördag 10 juli 2010
Dagen 192
Så nu har jag duschat, lagt fram kläder o grejs, druckit frukost och ja nu sitter jag här.
Drömde om Peter Stormare i natt. Och pappa... Kan se honom framför mig.. Var sommar brun som fan.. Måste erkänna att jag trodde inte det skulle gå att leva utan honom ett tag. Men det gör det.. Man blir ledsen då och då.. Man önskar man kunde ringa och prata ibland.. Det finns vissa ord man vill höra.. Saker man vill berätta.. Men de går att leva ändå...
Idag ska vi till Åhus.. Svärmor fyller år och H's syster kommer. Vi ska åka tidigt så jag kan få solat lite. Blekare än fan..jobbar ju bara och de få lediga dagar man har är man så trött på värmen och skiten att man helst vill vara inomhus. Det lär ju bli en heldag idag..
Har inte hänt för mycket på sista tiden.. Varit lite död efter jobbet. Tyvärr är jag inte hungrig längre. Jag kan dricka min shake på morgonen..runt 6.. Sen inte äta mer förrän på kvällen vid 17-18.. Liite väl lite att äta.. O allt jag märker är att jag är trött. Så klart dricker jag vatten under dagen men man ska ju ändå känna hunger. Man ska väl vara jävligt glad och hålla käften bara ^^
Byggarna är klara här på vårt hus nu.. Thank God.. Jag gick loss med dammsugare på balkongen.. Damm och skit ÖVERALLT... Tog sju svåra år.. Men nu är den liite dammfriare..:P Mina gula smultron var skitgoda. Och dom växer mer än dom röda.. Skumt men vem bryr sig.. Nu är klockan snart 6,40 så dags att sätta fart..hahah eller vad tycker ni.. Ska snart dra upp lilla H..hihih.. Får muta med lite kaffe..
måndag 5 juli 2010
Dagen 187
I had my day off last Thursday. As always, 1000 things to do. Did 5 of them :P I did manage to get some laundry out of the way. Anton was a royal pain in my ass almost all day. He has his rebellious moments. I have to get use to that I think.
H was working..as always.. So we had a picnic in Pildammarna. We packed a blanket, some chicken salad and some drinks and joined Katti and Camilla. (and some other folks) There was this sing-along thing and it was actually very nice. We had great weather, good artists and very nice company. And a good thing is that it is very close to where we live so we could go by bike.
I worked my first weekend this year.. and yep.. I survived and so did everyone else.. :P I worked with Magda the most.. She is so funny. For some reason she things I have very nice calves. You know..the lower part of the leg.. The first time she told me I was standing, hanging in keys.. And now last time when we were cycling on work.. Strange kind of compliment, but still a very nice one. Especially since my sweet H calls them Russian wrestling calves :P So Thaank you Magda.
Over all we had a good weekend. I usually don't like working-weekends. Stuff always goes wrong. It is almost jinxed or something. Only thing I didn't like was..still...the fucking heat.. Working indoors in this is noot nice. Old people have a tendency to not open any windows. Don't ask me why. I should think of it as a good thing, I am sweating some weight off..:P
From xmas last year and today I have lost 10 kg. I don't see any difference but still it feels good and it keeps me motivated. Still a looot of work but it is a good start.
I was free from work today as well. Being out in the sun all weekend made me feel like taking a day indoors. I have a new drug, books. So I took a new book and sat all morning on the balcony. A few hours later the books is over and I have nothing to do :P I read Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist. It was soo good. Never read any of his books before. I recommend it. You should read more!! I was thinking of selling all my books, just to get some room for more. But I have separation anxiety :D Soon I will need a new bookshelf.
And I ate my first yellow strawberries. They tasted just like the red ones. Good that is =) I never had so many bugs in my plants on the balcony as this year. And at work, sunday, I had like 6 (!!!) different spiders on me. What is this?? Maybe a sign from God, hahah. The end is near.