måndag 21 juni 2010

Dagen 172

Is it just me or do you all just wanna puke on soccer? It is sooo booooring..ZzzZZZzzZzzzzZ.. First all they talked about was the Royal wedding and now soccer. Thank god it is over =)
The wedding I understand. It is once in a lifetime for our Princess but soccer..come on. Every week someone is playing a soccer match somewhere. Sport today is too much money and too hype to be good for anyone. And why is a Swedish coach training a none-swedish team? It is just too much shit in sports today, not all but the major ones like soccer, hockey..like that.

Work is nice, I have to admit :D I do miss Maria, she is off somewhere in Europe, like Paris. And Emma is on her maternity leave. She finally got a girl. Three boys and then a girl. Way to go, I would kill myself haha. And Zana..hihi She is soo pretty. On new years even of 2009 she decided to start using a veil. She converted to Islam some time ago and she seems soo at peace. She is so calm and happy and almost glowing. It is almost magical. I am not surprised to see her in the veil but it takes some getting use to =) She publishes some Islamic stuff on facebook every now and then. I look at it sometimes and I found some great shit. And noo I am not going Muslim, chill.. Buut I found a video called 60 ways to keep your wife's love. Every man should see it, for real. Muslim or not. It was awesome. It made perfect sense :P And that my male Swedish friends is way gilrs like Arabs haha.. That and their dark olive skin.. (drool, drool)

I got some stuff the other day. One of them smelled coconut. I hate that..haha. Not hate the smell but it always reminds me of a certain time and place and era in life, involving sunbathing, Hawaiian sunscreen and a blanket haha. It is a sweet memory but still it is hard for me to grasp. That I will have no more memories like that. And it still makes me sad, sometimes. Time flies and I know that things will never be as they were but still.. One can't help remembering. I wish there was something I could do about it but knowing there is not gives me some comfort.

Anyway...back to the stuff...^^ I decided to be nice and give some away.. My mother-in-law has a birthday coming up so she will get something nice. I need to improve my karma haha.. Or maybe it is evened out by my massive toothache and shit. Who knows?? Better safe then sorry.. And Miss S will get something to. Maybe she will be surprised, I hope so. I just love her, she is so like me it is scary. And I was thinking of sending some to Åsa and Pia, my sister-in-laws. (I think they are, haha) But I don't know if they like stuff like that. I just feel like I want to do something nice for others. (Yeah, I am not sick...haha)

And I changed the look on the blog, don't ask me why. Summerfeelings maybe ^^ Blue felt better then gloomy brown. And yes, it is all in english. I know some of you hate it :D And maybe some Swedish shit will appear later but for now, English it is.
I finally started the book I have been waiting like forever for..Doktor Glas. And it is not as good as I wanted it to be. It is good, old school swedish and all but I was hoping for more. I still have like two thirds left so maybe it will pick up. It is a very short book, only 155 pages. I like to work when you don't have school. It is not the same. School is always there, morning, evening, night. Job is job, 7-13.30 and then noo more. I have much more time for me, for books, for everything working. I dread next semester, work + school 100 %..yucky.

I don't understand people. Hahah... Some people have no money. Like always no money. They can't go anywhere, they can't buy stuff they see as luxury (or basic sometimes) But still they have money for tattoos.. How the f*ck it that possible?? Maybe it is how you prioritize but still. I think it is very very strange.
Well that is all I manage to interest you with today.. Now I will go eaaaat..... Bawse...^^

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