I got up at 8 today, it is a new record for this week.. I have been soo sleepy in the mornings. Okej so maybe I haven´t really been sleeping when I should but still.. Not been up a morning before 10, and this is me we are talking about.. It scares me, school starts on monday. Soo not looking forward to it..maths all week at 8,15..huu.. So this is my last week off.. Time moves so fast..
Yesterday I got my crucifix in the mail.. I love it, hihih.. I don´t believe in God but I like religious things like crucifixs, rosarys and so on.. So now it is up on the wall, I really haven´t found a good place for it yet but I am thinking about it. I still have a desire to do some moving about here so I will figure something out..
We were doing some shopping today, Nadja is having a b-day party tomorrow so bought her a waterboiler. She is all grown up, moved out of the house to a appartment in helsingborg, closer to school. As I said, time flies. I am having a hard time keeping up.. Maybe I should make a "To do" list..^^
I gave Clyde a bath, he smelled...^^ Let´s say he was not soo pleased..hihih..
My tomatoplant is turning red..i already picked 5-6 delicious tomatos..mmm And to my big surprise there is passionfruits on my balcony to..hihi.. Wonder if they will be eatable..

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